Working towards tomorrow's world
Will you join us?
In Groningen, the future has already started
Groningen. City, province and region. Vibrant and inviting. Bursting with young talent. Home to innovative go-getters. With the fastest growing campus in the Netherlands and renowned research and knowledge institutions Groningen offers the latest insights into 21st century issues. Add to that the excellent geographical and digital connection and then you can rightfully speak of a multidisciplinary and innovation ecosystem for the future.

The place to GRO
Our tomorrow’s world starts today. In Groningen. Here we work together in the fields of energy, health, food and digitization. All the transition themes work closely together in the ecosystem of Groningen, with digitization being the transition accelerator. Groningen is the place to grow and work on your future.
Groningen is a frontrunner in the development of renewable energy. And when it comes to green hydrogen, Groningen even leads in Europe.
GRO Health
The healthiest city in the Netherlands, the life science sector is growing faster than the national average. This is due to the combined strengths of companies, leading institutions and schools. -
GRO Digital
Known for its rich digital sector, Groningen is the place for positive growth and transformation. Here you will find plenty of startups with ground-breaking ideas, collaborations that result in impactful solutions and established national and international players. -
GRO Food
The climate crisis, problems with soil quality and the deterioration of biodiversity call for sustainable solutions. Food innovation is being experimented on all fronts; from nature inclusive farming to disease control. New crops such as hemp are bringing new opportunities.

Living in Groningen
Groningen. A jewel in a gold rim. Glorious regions full of strength through combining businesses. An ancient surrounding area with mudflats, mounds and waving grain. With your feet in the clay of the polders. Sailing along the seals on a bed of sand. In a sturdy, ancient church. Or somewhere on a side street of a side street, wandering through the city. Our space is our wealth. Here you can relax and come to life. You can truly enjoy living here. Nothing tops Groningen.

Werken in Groningen
In Groningen wordt nagedacht over vraagstukken van de toekomst. Zo is Groningen koploper in de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie, werken verschillende ziekenhuizen en kennisinstellingen samen om mensen gezond ouder te worden en wordt er geëxperimenteerd met duurzame voedselsystemen. Samen bouwen we aan de wereld van morgen. Groen, gezond, digitaal maar wel met menselijke maat.