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GRO Digital

Groningen bursting with innovation power

Dynamic Tech Scene

Known for its rich digital sector, Groningen is the place for positive growth and transformation. Here you will find plenty of startups with ground-breaking ideas, collaborations that result in impactful solutions and established national and international players getting a piece of the Groningen innovation pie. From AI and AR to cyber safety and blockchain: in the Groningen ecosystem, we connect our knowledge and strengths and work together on tomorrow's world.

Tomorrow's world starts today. In Groningen.

Digitization is helping Groningen to find faster answers to global issues. Here, there are plenty of opportunities for digital talents who want to work together with pioneers, trailblazers and go-getters. Together, we will come up with innovative ideas, refreshing insights and make the transition to a better world and a better life. In which sustainability, quality of life and people are central. Will you join us?


Groningen has traditionally been a place of innovative go-getters. With progressive companies, the fastest-growing campus in the Netherlands and renowned knowledge and research institutes, Groningen is the place for positive growth. Here, we learn from each other, share our knowledge and work together on the major transition themes of our time. This combined strength leads to smart solutions to global issues.

  • Digital

    In Groningen, we are making the transition from the old to the future-proof economy. We are making this possible through digitalisation. Want to know more? You can read it here.
  • Health & Digital

    In the healthiest city in the Netherlands, the health economics is growing faster than the national average. Here, together, we are making the shift from cure to healthy ageing.
  • Energy & Digital

    With 400 years of experience as an energy region, Groningen has all the necessary knowledge, infrastructure and professionals to achieve a completely new sustainable energy system. Wondering how we do it? Read more here.
  • Food & Digital

    In Groningen, we are making the shift from the linear to the circular food economy. How? You can read it here.

Practical pioneers

Groningers are practical pioneers. The many successful start-ups show the favourable dynamics created when all factors in the region contribute to positive growth. But scale-ups and (inter)national players are also looking for space and talent. And find that in Groningen.


The global platform for ethical hackers. Functions as a kind of marketplace, where companies can get in touch with hackers to find bugs, leaks and other woes. HackerOne was founded in Groningen but is now also based in London and Silicon Valley.


Concept7 is een strategisch digitaal bureau dat digitale producten en diensten onderzoekt, ontwerpt, testen én ontwikkelt. Als vernieuwers van de digitale economie zetten deze digitale denkers en doeners zich in voor uiteenlopende organisaties. Digitalisering als transitieversneller; bij Concept7 brengen ze het in de praktijk.


Voys verandert de telecomwereld met telefonie in de cloud. Op een unieke manier zorgen ze ervoor dat bedrijven kunnen bellen en bereikbaar zijn voor hun klanten. En dat alles niet zonder succes; Voys wint veel prijzen voor de snelle groei en hun manier van organiseren.


In 2013, IBM opened their first Client Innovation Center in Groningen, Netherlands. And since then, they continue to grow and are always looking for new talent. They are known for their agile & creative software engineering, the IX studio and cognitive & enterprise solutions.


Miljarden video streams over de hele wereld worden gefaciliteerd door het Groningse bedrijf Jet-Stream. Deze innovatieve speler zond in 1994 de allereerste live stream uit en biedt vandaag de dag een streaming platform voor uiteenlopende organisaties in word

Bossers & Cnossen

Van een supermachine die bijdraagt aan de strijd tegen kanker tot databeveiliging die klaar is voor de toekomst: de specialisten van het IT-bedrijf Bossers & Cnossen zetten hun denk- én doekracht in voor IT-oplossingen die bijdragen aan de wereld van morgen.


Google opened a data center in Eemshaven in 2016 to capitalize on the growth of the Internet. The data center is always looking for new talent. From IT specialists and technicians to facility managers.


Saving energy starts with insight. Envitron's smart energy solutions help companies gain that insight and then use self-generated energy in the best way possible. Envitron was founded in 2015 and has won several awards.


Arable farmers can measure differences in growth stages between plants thanks to Agrifly's 5G drone.


In December 2022, Groningen-based company Enatom received an investment of €400,000 from G-force Capital and Triade investment. This investment will help Enatom take a step towards market launch. Enatom is the anatomy atlas of the future in an app.

Hij ging je voor...

In Groningen bouwen we aan de toekomst. Een van de mensen die hieraan bijdraagt, is Jelmer Siekmans (38). Hij produceert vloeistoffen waar 3D-printers innovatieve creaties mee kunnen maken. Jelmer voorziet grote kansen voor Groningen. ‘’Hier is het speelveld meer open dan elders, hier kan je groeien.’’

The Daily Future: Digital

Groningen is the beating heart of the future. The Daily Future keeps you informed about all developments in the city and province. For a smarter, greener and future-proof world, Groningen is the place to be. But who are the pioneers who make this possible, what groundbreaking results can be seen and which organisations can benefit from this.

Boost your future

Groningen is the place for positive growth. Not only on a social level, but also on a personal level. The healthiest city in the Netherlands is a great place to live. Moreover, there is plenty to do thanks to the vibrant city centre, a great cultural offering and beautiful nature around the corner.

  • Boost your environment

    Groningen. City and province. This is where you will experience the best adventures. Around the Martini Tower lies a vibrant city full of energy. The healthiest city in the Netherlands is a great place to be.
  • Boost your impact

    The world of tomorrow starts today, in Groningen. The Groningen ecosystem is committed to positive growth. Together, we are building a green, healthy and digital future with a human dimension. By working together, we contribute to tomorrow’s world.
  • Boost your career

    Start-ups, scale-ups and large international organisations. Whatever you are looking for, you can find it in Groningen. There are plenty of career opportunities for your talents here.
  • Boost your Square meters

    Groningen has everything. Whether you want to live right in the middle of the bustling city centre or prefer the peace and quiet. Studio or farmhouse. Whatever you are looking for, Groningen is a great place to live.

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